参数z大 12 kV,25kA /2s 或者 20kA /4s,630A / 800A / 1250A
母线室、开关室、电缆室均通过20kA /1s 的内部电弧故障试验
工厂预装,通过型式试验,符合IEC 62271-200标准
Up to 12 kV,25kA /2s or 20kA /4s,630A / 800A / 1250A
Hermetically laser welded, stainless steel gas vessel
Partition class: PM (partition of metal), security of operation
Integrated air-insulated technology and gas-insulated switching functions
Busbar compartment, switch device compartmet, cable compartment all pass 20kA/1s interal arc fault type test
Factory-assembled, type-tested switchgear according to IEC 62271-200
技术参数 Technical data
额定电压 Rated Voltage |
kV |
12 |
额定频率 Rated frequency |
Hz |
50/60 |
额定工频耐受电压 Rated power-frequency withstand voltage |
kV |
42 |
额定雷电冲击电压 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage |
kV |
75 |
额定峰值耐受电流 Rated peak withstand current |
up to kA |
63 |
额定短路开断电流 Rated short-circuit making current |
up to kA |
25 |
额定短时耐受电流 Rated short-time withstand current |
2 s 4 s |
up to kA |
25 20 |
额定母线电流 Rated normal current for busbar |
up to A |
1250 |
环境温度 Ambient air temperature |
标准 Standard |
°C |
-5 to +55 |
可选 Option |
°C |
-25 to +55 |
存储/运输 Storage/transport |
°C |
-5/-25*/-40* to +55/+70* |
防护等级 Degree of protection |
一次部分 Primary part |
IP67 |
柜体外壳 Switchgear enclosure |
IP2X / IP3X |
二次部分 Secondary part |
IP3X / IP4X |
西门子NXAirS 空气绝缘 可移开式金属封闭中压开关柜
西门子NXPLUS C一次配电系统气体绝缘开关柜
西门子MXAirS 550+一次配电空气绝缘开关柜
西门子SIMOSEC 二次配电空气绝缘开关柜由深圳市国宏电力设备有限公司提供,该企业负责西门子SIMOSEC 二次配电空气绝缘开关柜的真实性、准确性和合法性。本站对此不承担任何保证责任。