Zinc steel guardrails are relatively cheaper than iron and aluminum guardrails, and their durability and aesthetics are also slightly inferior. Iron guardrails can be used for many years without rusting after rigorous hot-dip galvanizing process. However, the difference between cold galvanizing and hot galvanizing is still significant, and the galvanized appearance is generally indistinguishable. However, cold galvanizing may rust in less than six months after rainwater and exposure to sunlight, while hot galvanizing can last for ten years.
Zinc steel guardrail features: long service life, low cost, cheap installation, beautiful appearance, not easy to rust, high temperature resistance, sun resistance, rain resistance, corrosion resistance, not easy to peel off, and does not cause wall pollution. Easy to assemble, easy to clean, economical and practical, and maintenance free.
锌钢护栏用途:主要用于工业用围栏(如厂区围墙围栏、商业场地围栏)、农业用围栏(如田地围栏,畜牧围栏)、民用围栏(如建筑物顶围栏,围栏墙等)、公共设施围栏(如道路隔离栏)阳台护栏、防护窗、楼梯扶手、栅栏、花园围栏、百叶窗、空调围栏、道路护栏。工业用围栏(如厂区围栏、商业场地围栏)、农业用围栏(如田地围栏,畜牧围栏)、民用围栏(如建筑物顶围栏,围栏墙等)、公共设施围栏(如道路隔离栏)等等, 使用比较广泛。
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梅州厂家直供锌钢护栏 学校小区栅栏防护栏定制
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中山锌钢护栏定制厂家 学校护栏小区围墙护栏批发由广东中护围栏工程有限公司提供,该企业负责中山锌钢护栏定制厂家 学校护栏小区围墙护栏批发的真实性、准确性和合法性。本站对此不承担任何保证责任。