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杭州冷库设计 冷库厂家

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-10-21 20:37:59  浏览次数:162
杭州冷库设计        冷库厂家 冷库主要用作对食品、乳制品、肉类、水产、化工、医药、育苗、科学试验等的恒温贮藏冷气设备,冷库实际上是一种低温冷库(冷藏库)也属于制冷设备的一种与冰箱相比较,其制冷面积要大很多,但他们有相通的制冷原理。
Cold storage is mainly used as a constant temperature storage air-conditioning equipment for food, dairy products, meat, aquatic products, chemicals, medicine, seedlings, scientific experiments, etc.. Cold storage is actually a kind of cold storage(cold storage) and also belongs to refrigeration equipment. Compared with refrigerators, The cooling area is much larger, but they have the same cooling principle.
Cold storage design needs to consider several factors:
1. Selection of structure: Now that the insulation materials in the warehouse are generally used more polyammoniferous panels, many of them used local materials in the past, ready-made materials such as rice, and other cold storage facilities were built directly in stone caves. Natural rock insulation can be.
2. Calculation and matching of cooling volume: According to the actual needs of customers to determine the number of compressor units, and then determine the choice of some auxiliary equipment. After these are completed, it is the arrangement of pipelines and lines. In addition, according to the specific needs of the customer to determine whether to add other separate rooms.
3. Cold storage recycling water is always used when designing cold storage, which involves two steps of water supply and drainage. In designing cold storage, it is also necessary to cooperate with the fire water on the site and the safety protection regulations of related industries.
关键词: 冷库
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